Sart of villages into the armchair put on the helmet of deputy. It made this without the special enthusiasm, no one knows that electronics of noninitiated planet will throw out. But another method to verify its guesses
not it was.
Spekin appeared almost immediately. It appeared badly, fur lost luster and in the eyes was wearied deep melancholy. Sart noted about himself that the virtual means reflects the real state of prisoner. Probably,
spekin could change means on any another, but it did not begin this to make.
Zdravstvuyte, Mr. Sart.
it Privet, badly you appear.
Eto is not important.
Eto you did open doors?
Ty you do know that to me it is necessary?
Ob this is not difficult to surmise. The copy of data from the "black box" is copied to the card. Can take in the depository. It is opened.
Ty you do not ask why?
Mne nevertheless.
Mogu 4 for you anything to make?
Plennik for long kept silent. Hologram remained fixed. Sart thought that the period of communication was finished, but small figurine again stirred.
K to that time planet will spread into the shreds.
it Net... It is more precise, so it is not rapid. This it will not occur, until its brain not is destroyed. Still there is time when process did not become irreversible.
it Znachit to planet thus far nothing it does threaten? And we can wait for spasateley? Sart perceived enormous lightening.
it Net. 4 I cannot avoid the natural calamities. Only a little to weaken, but entirely barely. This will hardly help people on the planet.
to Est' safe place?
Poprobuyte to leave into the mountains. But volcanic eruptions are there possible. I copied to you into the communicator route. This all that I can for you make.
Na to planet is ships?
Tol'ko the fleet of inquisition in orbit. Planetary boat stands on the tenth sluice.
to Devyatnadtsat' inquisitors.
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