Wednesday, May 2, 2007

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Chto concerns magic, the, possibly, all this of agreement. But agreements are curious. It passed half a year, and 4 all I find the confirmation of words of fortune teller. Kiska actually changed. Recklessly.
to Takzhe fortune teller said that Kiska yet repeatedly will remind one of itself. And actually repeatedly it rang. It asked to present to it machine on the birthday, on the ground, that I brought it into this city and it here threw one. Fortune teller said that from her work they will trample, and here recently it learned, that this occurred. Moreover, before it were shut many necessary doors of my friends. When it them became to complain, that the novel expelled its, those cynically noted: "well and glory to god. Us always Lena more greatly pleased itself ". 4 it requested them nothing to speak, moreover, and about our parting it described not all... I.e., it left so that entire poor, that the girl attempted to make to me, turned itself against it by the very. On that which with it will occur into next yr, I heard from the words of fortune teller. Await jdems.

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