Wednesday, May 2, 2007

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Muzhchiny walk along the rams. Rams according to the magicians. Man, even if it can make privorot to the friend, then only from the great unhappy love. But this is rarity great love. The second reason, which can lead man to the witches, the fortune tellers or ekstrasensam, if the matters, for the inexplicable reasons, go increasingly worse and it is worse. Crash is moved. But it in no way can understand why is ready to run after the council although to feature bald. Provided it would help. But this is man.
Zato of woman permanent users of magic services, privorotov of every kind and other sabotage to progressive humanity. For them this as to sneeze. It seems, they even do not think about the moral side of problem. They count as follows: we weak floor, man strong. A in the fight with the strong all means are good.

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