Wednesday, May 2, 2007

hot chicks

"N, it thought 4. although it is pleasan". A in the week to me again ordered party. Yes even people gradually began to walk into the club. Voodushevlennyy by this success from the magic, 4 povelsya to the proposal of familiar artist to descend to the fortune teller, in whom oshivayetsya entire show business. "it makes mistakes, he said artist, only in the dates. Even then barely. There was the case, when she said to one peasant so that it would not leave from the house during the next two days; not that misfortune will happen. That did not believe, literally in its two days slaughtered in the store some drunk ". And it is possible to believe in this, it is possible not to believe, but fact it is Koroche, I went to this aunt. And zavis in it for oneandahalf hours. It guessed to me both on the coffee sediment and on the maps. Sometimes interrupted guesswork and simply looked at me. Me they warned that it and without the maps of something there sees. True, 4, as all burnt cynics, with difficulty in this it believed; therefore it did not give to it odds, trying a little less to assign questions. But it began conversation not from the future, which to us unknown and about which it is possible ten times to navrat', but from the past.
Dela in you send badly during December, thus? But for the second time it was very dirtily during February.

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