Ponyav once, that if Kiska is constantly then itself news, then 4 simply in the hearts I will hit it, it began to request to leave finally my house. Even it gave money so that it would somewhat more rapidly remove the apartment. however, "but 4 I love you!" it sobbed. I varied, looking at these sobbings. He did not know, to believe to it or not. Indeed when to you one hundred times in one day tell that they love, not to believe it is difficult. Moreover we lived two years, and 4 is simple privyk.
Odnako Kiska, as that aktriska itself from the anecdote, from which began this chapter, "stumbled" increasingly more frequently. And 4 as permanent spectator, who tracks after such noncoincidences of "means and similarity", it began simply to go insane. And compulsorily it would descend, but it searched for in itself forces rigid to tear this connection.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
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No is that that the fortune teller knew, it was plotted not in what diagrams. And I broke above this head. Nonetheless 4 not of mysticisms, 4 not rams. 4 men. But man must understand logically everything. Otherwise the brains begin to descend aslant. Leaving to the visit to the fortune teller, I thought over its behavior. It composed questions so that not there would be directing. And it was there not them! Yes even generally to believe in the fact that to you they made slander, and into existence some of magic normal man cannot! did not believe. Simply it rang wife. For the beginning it asked as motherinlaw, since fortune teller said to me that that strongly is ill. It turned out that its mother in the hospital and about this thus far no one knows. Lena sobbed in the solitude on the dacha in order not to frighten child. This became the first unpleasant agreement.
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Liliputians. Allegedly this is "transfer of thoughts at a distance". One girl obtains anything of the pocket of spectator, the second standing on the scene with the tied eyes it must guess, that this for the object. In reality, guessing is simple the transfer of the signs, intelligible by them one. Well erected and worked out number. At first girls compile the exemplary enumeration of the fact that can be in the pocket. Then the leading questions to each object comprise. "describe to us that I reached now?" BUT "comb" "say, what it is color?" "yellow". Both so forth and the like many "miracles" they are simple to the disgrace.
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Da, yes, yes, to ugu, aha, yes, as parrot, growled 4, and fortune teller gradually passed from the past to the present and she finally me took aback.
you Prostite, novel, me is unpleasant to you this to tell, but girl never loved you, and her interest in you was only mercenary. It two times made slander. On you is superimposed this piece blocking. You like exist, but you they do not see. They forget about you. What sooner or later can arrive the parting, and it risks to remain with the nose. It means, it solved, it is necessary and me, and my family to leave not with which. Here and it worked at this question, without stinting on its own means (which in it were accumulated, indeed we they lived to my). But still I recalled, as it insinuating and regularly was interested in me: "well, Rom, and it can be this is end?"
you Prostite, novel, me is unpleasant to you this to tell, but girl never loved you, and her interest in you was only mercenary. It two times made slander. On you is superimposed this piece blocking. You like exist, but you they do not see. They forget about you. What sooner or later can arrive the parting, and it risks to remain with the nose. It means, it solved, it is necessary and me, and my family to leave not with which. Here and it worked at this question, without stinting on its own means (which in it were accumulated, indeed we they lived to my). But still I recalled, as it insinuating and regularly was interested in me: "well, Rom, and it can be this is end?"
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Da throw, it said 4. that which all is bad, it is understandable. But what slander? Maybe, then did already me randomly who overlook? People in show business envy to each other.
it Net. This strong slander can be made only specially. Strong black magicians make this. In Pieter this costs three thousand dollars. In Moscow Five.
Ot of such prices in me were mowed foot. These are very large money for Kiski. Really to it so did not give rest the fact that the successes in my matters were not into an example better than in it? It would seem, this behavior chops the bough, on which you sit. This it is illogical. But I frequently think that in rams (precisely in rams; woman something another, more cultivated creation) there is no logic whatever. Why they so easily believe in the magic: because magic is illogical. But come running rams to it, understanding, that the man does not swallow bait. 4 indeed indicated Kiske that they are not married the cats. But this means that everything is unsteady.
it Net. This strong slander can be made only specially. Strong black magicians make this. In Pieter this costs three thousand dollars. In Moscow Five.
Ot of such prices in me were mowed foot. These are very large money for Kiski. Really to it so did not give rest the fact that the successes in my matters were not into an example better than in it? It would seem, this behavior chops the bough, on which you sit. This it is illogical. But I frequently think that in rams (precisely in rams; woman something another, more cultivated creation) there is no logic whatever. Why they so easily believe in the magic: because magic is illogical. But come running rams to it, understanding, that the man does not swallow bait. 4 indeed indicated Kiske that they are not married the cats. But this means that everything is unsteady.
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Muzhchiny walk along the rams. Rams according to the magicians. Man, even if it can make privorot to the friend, then only from the great unhappy love. But this is rarity great love. The second reason, which can lead man to the witches, the fortune tellers or ekstrasensam, if the matters, for the inexplicable reasons, go increasingly worse and it is worse. Crash is moved. But it in no way can understand why is ready to run after the council although to feature bald. Provided it would help. But this is man.
Zato of woman permanent users of magic services, privorotov of every kind and other sabotage to progressive humanity. For them this as to sneeze. It seems, they even do not think about the moral side of problem. They count as follows: we weak floor, man strong. A in the fight with the strong all means are good.
Zato of woman permanent users of magic services, privorotov of every kind and other sabotage to progressive humanity. For them this as to sneeze. It seems, they even do not think about the moral side of problem. They count as follows: we weak floor, man strong. A in the fight with the strong all means are good.
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Eto is simple nightmare. Simply it cannot be believed in it. Home I infinitely sorted out our long conversation and searched for along the road from the fortune teller, where there dirty trick, and thought that it is worthwhile to reveal it and to catch fortune teller on any small lie, as this entire horror it will be scattered. Only as completely stranger to me ram could learn such details (note, from the past life, about which no one did know)? Me it was desirable to be dug to the essence of this question. Nevertheless I has long ago dealt from the different kind by artists and is familiar with a number of foci. For example, if "sorcerers" guess your illnesses then this is simple. On many illnesses it is possible to learn eye according to the external signs, due to the state of the skin. Still I recalled mnemonics, frequently utilized in the circus of
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in three days
... in three days, being already located in Moscow, 4 was randomly included its St. Petersburg cell phone. Had long ago been it not used it, and now it was required only in order to find the numbers of telephones recorded in its memory. But it here began to ring: "Rom, we you search for everywhere search for. We have binge on Saturday. Arrive, is good zaplatim", in the tube began to sound the voices of my old friends, in whom repeatedly worked. Ne I can, 4 even it were lost from neozhidannosti. I work on Saturday in my club in Moscow. I should club shut, which means, forfeit to pay. Fignya! To nou of problems!! Let us pay!!! Nu, once so I went. So much to me paid not to the time in the life. Ugu, being puzzled, it nodded agreement to before this you strongly quarrelled with the mistress.
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"N, it thought 4. although it is pleasan". A in the week to me again ordered party. Yes even people gradually began to walk into the club. Voodushevlennyy by this success from the magic, 4 povelsya to the proposal of familiar artist to descend to the fortune teller, in whom oshivayetsya entire show business. "it makes mistakes, he said artist, only in the dates. Even then barely. There was the case, when she said to one peasant so that it would not leave from the house during the next two days; not that misfortune will happen. That did not believe, literally in its two days slaughtered in the store some drunk ". And it is possible to believe in this, it is possible not to believe, but fact it is present.to Koroche, I went to this aunt. And zavis in it for oneandahalf hours. It guessed to me both on the coffee sediment and on the maps. Sometimes interrupted guesswork and simply looked at me. Me they warned that it and without the maps of something there sees. True, 4, as all burnt cynics, with difficulty in this it believed; therefore it did not give to it odds, trying a little less to assign questions. But it began conversation not from the future, which to us unknown and about which it is possible ten times to navrat', but from the past.
Dela in you send badly during December, thus? But for the second time it was very dirtily during February.
Dela in you send badly during December, thus? But for the second time it was very dirtily during February.
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I here someone of the familiar advised to it to descend into the institute of parapsychology. It is said, is there man remarkable. They speak, it helps. Session stands 250 Euro. Ridiculous, probably output, but, as 4 already he said, falling into zhopu, you feel yourself by worm and search for any output. There is no ridiculous or it is unimportant. Well, but will not help parapsychologist, yes even features with it. Not such enormous money.of I it descended... bandits somewhere in two days they disappeared. Records in the computers, that this earth belongs to another person, also. But still to it they soon gave some improbable reward for its terrifically useful activity. On the whole, unexpectedly poperlo... Vot wife to me and prisovetovala: "descend you to this charlatan. Who knows, can, truth to you spoiling they directed ".of I I went... .
V institute me pushed in into some instrument in the form of tortoise. The wooden partitions, covered with cloth, under which 4 obrechenno it rested in bed some time, even without going into the essence, that this for the instrument, what there "energy cleaning". You be that it will be. True, the color of face on leaving from the "bug" in me changed. It became not such gray, such as it was all recent months. But uncle meanwhile made a photograph of my energy field. Field was strongly "probit" from one edge.
V institute me pushed in into some instrument in the form of tortoise. The wooden partitions, covered with cloth, under which 4 obrechenno it rested in bed some time, even without going into the essence, that this for the instrument, what there "energy cleaning". You be that it will be. True, the color of face on leaving from the "bug" in me changed. It became not such gray, such as it was all recent months. But uncle meanwhile made a photograph of my energy field. Field was strongly "probit" from one edge.
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the it is further, those more interesting to recall contact with the mediators of parallel it is world. Nevertheless they helped me to see rams from entirely different side. The craftsmanship of gadateley clearly grew from the stability of situation. I.e., rams for the purpose to bewitch lovers regularly shastayut according to the witches. And they, apparently, had seen such rams higher than roof.
Kak I understood, ram creates the most terrible, if he understands, that it they will any minute now expel. Parting heavy thing. Women essence are emotional and very dependent. Dependent on us, on the men. Although they shout about their significance, selfsufficiency and nezainteresovannosti, all this lie. And you, even without surmising about this, can seem by it by bargaining chip. It for some reason solved, which wants for you marry. At this moment it can be encountered with other, etc. And it is not compulsory, that it loves you. Even it is in no way compulsory. And even not because in you are money the connections. You simply by it is convenient according to its some indices. And if she feels, that the small fish is torn away from the hook, makes privorot. Maybe, even it will make to the last money either it will take in the debt or anything sells. It will attempt to be grasped for any least possibility and why no?
Kak I understood, ram creates the most terrible, if he understands, that it they will any minute now expel. Parting heavy thing. Women essence are emotional and very dependent. Dependent on us, on the men. Although they shout about their significance, selfsufficiency and nezainteresovannosti, all this lie. And you, even without surmising about this, can seem by it by bargaining chip. It for some reason solved, which wants for you marry. At this moment it can be encountered with other, etc. And it is not compulsory, that it loves you. Even it is in no way compulsory. And even not because in you are money the connections. You simply by it is convenient according to its some indices. And if she feels, that the small fish is torn away from the hook, makes privorot. Maybe, even it will make to the last money either it will take in the debt or anything sells. It will attempt to be grasped for any least possibility and why no?
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Chto concerns magic, the, possibly, all this of agreement. But agreements are curious. It passed half a year, and 4 all I find the confirmation of words of fortune teller. Kiska actually changed. Recklessly.
to Takzhe fortune teller said that Kiska yet repeatedly will remind one of itself. And actually repeatedly it rang. It asked to present to it machine on the birthday, on the ground, that I brought it into this city and it here threw one. Fortune teller said that from her work they will trample, and here recently it learned, that this occurred. Moreover, before it were shut many necessary doors of my friends. When it them became to complain, that the novel expelled its, those cynically noted: "well and glory to god. Us always Lena more greatly pleased itself ". 4 it requested them nothing to speak, moreover, and about our parting it described not all... I.e., it left so that entire poor, that the girl attempted to make to me, turned itself against it by the very. On that which with it will occur into next yr, I heard from the words of fortune teller. Await jdems.
to Takzhe fortune teller said that Kiska yet repeatedly will remind one of itself. And actually repeatedly it rang. It asked to present to it machine on the birthday, on the ground, that I brought it into this city and it here threw one. Fortune teller said that from her work they will trample, and here recently it learned, that this occurred. Moreover, before it were shut many necessary doors of my friends. When it them became to complain, that the novel expelled its, those cynically noted: "well and glory to god. Us always Lena more greatly pleased itself ". 4 it requested them nothing to speak, moreover, and about our parting it described not all... I.e., it left so that entire poor, that the girl attempted to make to me, turned itself against it by the very. On that which with it will occur into next yr, I heard from the words of fortune teller. Await jdems.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Naydite Nimruda, let it finish, then that beginnings.

Sart of villages into the armchair put on the helmet of deputy. It made this without the special enthusiasm, no one knows that electronics of noninitiated planet will throw out. But another method to verify its guesses
not it was.
Spekin appeared almost immediately. It appeared badly, fur lost luster and in the eyes was wearied deep melancholy. Sart noted about himself that the virtual means reflects the real state of prisoner. Probably,
spekin could change means on any another, but it did not begin this to make.
Zdravstvuyte, Mr. Sart.
it Privet, badly you appear.
Eto is not important.
Eto you did open doors?
Ty you do know that to me it is necessary?
Ob this is not difficult to surmise. The copy of data from the "black box" is copied to the card. Can take in the depository. It is opened.
Ty you do not ask why?
Mne nevertheless.
Mogu 4 for you anything to make?
Plennik for long kept silent. Hologram remained fixed. Sart thought that the period of communication was finished, but small figurine again stirred.
K to that time planet will spread into the shreds.
it Net... It is more precise, so it is not rapid. This it will not occur, until its brain not is destroyed. Still there is time when process did not become irreversible.
it Znachit to planet thus far nothing it does threaten? And we can wait for spasateley? Sart perceived enormous lightening.
it Net. 4 I cannot avoid the natural calamities. Only a little to weaken, but entirely barely. This will hardly help people on the planet.
to Est' safe place?
Poprobuyte to leave into the mountains. But volcanic eruptions are there possible. I copied to you into the communicator route. This all that I can for you make.
Na to planet is ships?
Tol'ko the fleet of inquisition in orbit. Planetary boat stands on the tenth sluice.
to Devyatnadtsat' inquisitors.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
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business is done. For long wandered the Ivanuwka- fool (I please to hence consider this strange name my pseudonym in the virtual reality) on the light, yes suddenly it came across to the cottage, that it stood on the
hen legs. Moreover to it backwards, and to the scaffolding dense by front. Being correct views, commanded Ivanushka: Turn- kA now to me by front, and to the scaffolding backwards. Cottage obeyed. Fool goes and
it sees: lie on the stove woman, concretely 4ga- bone foot, nose into the ceiling grew, priest zhilenaya (4 completely I do not attempt to insult old lady, but I only describe the degree of monstrofikatsii of this object).
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Believe them.
He poured more of the brandy we had progressed to after dinner. Anesthesia was coming along nicely.
I'm almost beginning to believe, he said, that somehow or other I'll still be here next year, even if I do have to sell Sandcastle and whatever else is necessary.
I drank from my replenished glass. Tomorrow we'll make a plan contingent upon Sandcastle's being reinstated in the eyes of the world. Look at the figures, see what the final damage is likely to be, draw up a time scale for recovery. I can't promise because it isn't my final say-so, but if the bank gets all its money in the end, it'll most likely be flexible about when.
Good of you, Oliver said, hiding emotion behind his clipped martial manner.
Frankly, I said, you're more use to us salvaged than bust.
He smiled wryly. A banker to the last drop of blood.
Because of stairs' being difficult I slept on the sofa where Ginnie had dozed on her last afternoon, and I dreamed of her walking up a path towards me looking happy. Not a significant dream, but an awakening of fresh regret. I spent a good deal of the following day thinking of her instead of concentrating on profit and loss.
In the evening Ursula telephoned with triumph in her strong voice and also a continual undercurrent of amazement.
You won't believe it, she said, but I've already found three racing stables in Newmarket where he worked last sum¬mer and autumn, and in every case one of the horses in the yard fell sick!
I hadn't any trouble at all with belief and asked what sort of sickness.
They all had crystalluria. That's crystals . . .
I know what it is, I said.
And . . . it's absolutely incredible . . . but all three were in stables that had in the past sent horses to Calder Jackson, and these were sent as well, and he cured them straightaway. Two of the trainers said they would swear by Calder, he had cured horses for them for years.
Was the lad called Shane? I asked.
No. Bret. Bret Williams. The same in all three places.
She dictated the addresses of the stables, the names of the trainers, and the dates (approximate) when Shane-Jason-Bret had been in their yards.
These lads just come and go, she said. He didn't work for any of them for as long as a month. Just didn't turn up one morning. It happens all the time.
You're marvelous, I said.
I have a feeling, she said with less excitement, that what I'm telling you is what you expected to hear.
The implications are unbelievable.
I'm almost beginning to believe, he said, that somehow or other I'll still be here next year, even if I do have to sell Sandcastle and whatever else is necessary.
I drank from my replenished glass. Tomorrow we'll make a plan contingent upon Sandcastle's being reinstated in the eyes of the world. Look at the figures, see what the final damage is likely to be, draw up a time scale for recovery. I can't promise because it isn't my final say-so, but if the bank gets all its money in the end, it'll most likely be flexible about when.
Good of you, Oliver said, hiding emotion behind his clipped martial manner.
Frankly, I said, you're more use to us salvaged than bust.
He smiled wryly. A banker to the last drop of blood.
Because of stairs' being difficult I slept on the sofa where Ginnie had dozed on her last afternoon, and I dreamed of her walking up a path towards me looking happy. Not a significant dream, but an awakening of fresh regret. I spent a good deal of the following day thinking of her instead of concentrating on profit and loss.
In the evening Ursula telephoned with triumph in her strong voice and also a continual undercurrent of amazement.
You won't believe it, she said, but I've already found three racing stables in Newmarket where he worked last sum¬mer and autumn, and in every case one of the horses in the yard fell sick!
I hadn't any trouble at all with belief and asked what sort of sickness.
They all had crystalluria. That's crystals . . .
I know what it is, I said.
And . . . it's absolutely incredible . . . but all three were in stables that had in the past sent horses to Calder Jackson, and these were sent as well, and he cured them straightaway. Two of the trainers said they would swear by Calder, he had cured horses for them for years.
Was the lad called Shane? I asked.
No. Bret. Bret Williams. The same in all three places.
She dictated the addresses of the stables, the names of the trainers, and the dates (approximate) when Shane-Jason-Bret had been in their yards.
These lads just come and go, she said. He didn't work for any of them for as long as a month. Just didn't turn up one morning. It happens all the time.
You're marvelous, I said.
I have a feeling, she said with less excitement, that what I'm telling you is what you expected to hear.
The implications are unbelievable.
But Colder
, she protested. He couldn't. . .
Shane worked for Calder, I said. All the time. Perma¬nently. Wherever he went, it was to manufacture patients for Calder.
She was silent so long that in the end I said, Ursula?
I'm here, she said. Do you want me to go on with the photos?
Yes, if you would. To find him.
Hanging's too good for him, she said grimly. I'll do what I can.
She disconnected, and I told Oliver what she'd said.
Bret Williams? He was Shane Williams here.
How did you come to employ him? I asked.
Oliver frowned, looking back. Good lads aren't that easy to find, you know. You can advertise until you're blue in the face and only get third- or fourth-rate applicants. But Nigel said Shane impressed him at the interview and that we should give him a month's trial, and of course after that we kept him on, and took him back gladly this year when he telephoned asking, because he was quick and competent and knew the job back¬wards, and was polite and a good time-keeper. . .
A paragon, I said dryly.
As lads go, yes.
I nodded. He would have to have been good; to have taken pride in his deception, with the devotion of all traitors. I consid¬ered those fancy names and thought that he must have seen himself as a sort of macho hero, the great foreign agent playing out his fantasies in the day-to-day tasks, feeling superior to his employers while he tricked them with contempt.
He could have filled the hollowed cores of apples with cap¬sules, and taken a bite or two round the outside to convince, and fed what looked like remainders to his victims. No one would ever have suspected, because suspicion was impossible.
I slept again on the sofa and the following morning Oliver telephoned Detective Chief Inspector Wyfold and asked him to come to the farm. Wyfold needed persuading; reluctantly agreed; and nearly walked out in a U turn when he saw me waiting in Oliver's office.
Shane worked for Calder, I said. All the time. Perma¬nently. Wherever he went, it was to manufacture patients for Calder.
She was silent so long that in the end I said, Ursula?
I'm here, she said. Do you want me to go on with the photos?
Yes, if you would. To find him.
Hanging's too good for him, she said grimly. I'll do what I can.
She disconnected, and I told Oliver what she'd said.
Bret Williams? He was Shane Williams here.
How did you come to employ him? I asked.
Oliver frowned, looking back. Good lads aren't that easy to find, you know. You can advertise until you're blue in the face and only get third- or fourth-rate applicants. But Nigel said Shane impressed him at the interview and that we should give him a month's trial, and of course after that we kept him on, and took him back gladly this year when he telephoned asking, because he was quick and competent and knew the job back¬wards, and was polite and a good time-keeper. . .
A paragon, I said dryly.
As lads go, yes.
I nodded. He would have to have been good; to have taken pride in his deception, with the devotion of all traitors. I consid¬ered those fancy names and thought that he must have seen himself as a sort of macho hero, the great foreign agent playing out his fantasies in the day-to-day tasks, feeling superior to his employers while he tricked them with contempt.
He could have filled the hollowed cores of apples with cap¬sules, and taken a bite or two round the outside to convince, and fed what looked like remainders to his victims. No one would ever have suspected, because suspicion was impossible.
I slept again on the sofa and the following morning Oliver telephoned Detective Chief Inspector Wyfold and asked him to come to the farm. Wyfold needed persuading; reluctantly agreed; and nearly walked out in a U turn when he saw me waiting in Oliver's office.
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